Friday, 8 May 2015

A grey day.....

There are a lot of grey clouds overhead this morning which reflects the outcome of the General Election. As a public servant the thought of another five years of unfettered Tory cuts is scary.

However, whilst the Tories have won a decisive victory with regards to running the Government, there has not been the great Tory landslide being portrayed by the media. In fact, the Tories won approximately 36% of the popular vote - we really do have a corrupt electoral system.

As Trade Unionists we have a difficult five years ahead and we really do need organised, effective & united leadership as it is only through the trade unions that austerity can be effectively challenged.

Already the press are championing the New Labour claim that Labour's surge to the Left was the reason for its defeat - well I'm sorry I must have blinked and missed that surge! The result in Scotland & in the North have shown a Celtic appetite for a radical anti-austerity agenda and maybe a commitment to an anti-austerity agenda would have given Labour better outcomes.

It remains my belief a true surge to the Left would renew support for the Labour Party & give hope to the poor & oppressed.

Anyway, time to lick our wounds & come out fighting for our members, the poor & dispossessed who will desperately need our support and leadership over the next five years. For now I'm off to Scotland for a holiday!

Friday, 1 May 2015

May Day Greetings to all my friends, family & comrades
For victory against austerity on 7th May!