Saturday, 5 August 2017

Berny Parkes - Election Address National Labour Link Election

Berny Parkes - Election Address 
National Labour Link Election

For the many, not the few 

I am, and always have been, an unashamed, unapologetic supporter of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour's Manifesto 'For the many, not the few'.

Whilst not outright victory, the result of the General Election was historic. Never again can Jeremy Corbyn be called a vote loser. Never again can a left wing manifesto be called 'fantasy land politics'.

Celebrate, then organise!

It is my firm belief that one of the objectives of the National Labour Link Committee should be to play a pivotal role in ensuring that MPs, the NEC and the internal structures of the Labour Party do not undermine the Labour Leadership ever again.

We need unity now, probably, more than ever before.

Whilst I am proud that our National Labour Link Committee and the South West Region supported our Labour Leader, my decision to stand in this election is due to my disappointment that our South West representative on the National Labour Link Committee did not support the nomination of Jeremy Corbyn in the second leadership contest.

We have made great strides during the General Election and we should celebrate the advances that we have made on the back of an anti-austerity, pro-public services manifesto. However, the battle has only just begun - there is a world still to win!


NEC Election Results

UNISON NEC Election Results

I apologise for not publishing the NEC results but due to the General Election time moved on pretty quickly.

Despite losing my own personal battle the victories for the UNISONaction Broad Left candidates were the best yet.

My own hero of the elections was my 'running mate' Michelle Goodman who stormed to victory in the South West Female Seat. It is the first time that a left candidate has won a seat in a contested election in the South West.

In all we won 29 candidates; the 'establishment Stronger in Unison' won 32 seats and there are 7 independents.

Personally, I'm already moving on to the National Labour Link Elections where I will be standing as the UNISONaction Labour Left / Corbynista candidate for the South West Seat! The ballot papers are being sent out to all Unison Labour Link / APF members on 9th September

The full list of victorious NEC UNISONaction candidates is: 


Pauline Smith (Reserved Seat)

Greater London
Sonya Howard and Helen Davies (Female Seats)
Sean Fox (Male Seat)

North West
Tony Wilson (General Seat)
Karen Reissmann and Evelyn Doyle (Female Seats)
Steve North (Male Seat)
Luisete Batista (Reserved Seat)

Jim McFarlane (Male Seat)

South East
Jacqui Berry and Diana Leach (Female Seats)
Dan Sartin (Male Seat)

South West
Michelle Goodman (Female Seat)

West Midlands
Rose Brown (Female Seat)

Yorkshire and Humberside
Greta Holmes (Female Seat)
Vicky Perrin (Reserved Seat)


Janet Bryan (Female)

Claire Dixon (Female Seat)

Higher Education
Sandy Nicoll (General Seat)
Katherine Owen (Female Seat)

Local Government
Paul Holmes (General Seat)
Jane Doolan and Andrea Egan (Female Seats)
Paul Gilroy (Male Seat)

Water, Environment & Transport
John Jones (General Seat)


Black Members’
April Ashley (Female Seat)
Hugo Pierre (Male Seat)

Disabled Members’
Pam Howard (Female Seat)