Tuesday, 24 November 2015




Saturday, 14 November 2015

Vote John Burgess for General Secretary of Unison

for General Secretary

The ballot papers out and UNISON members have the opportunity to elect "one of our own". 

If you haven't (like me) received a ballot paper you can phone the UNISON HELPLINE on 0800 0 967 968 from Monday 16th November.

John is a Local Government worker who is heroically leading Barnet in a fight against a Tory Council hell bent on implementing a vicious privatisation agenda. John is winning the hearts of workers & the community alike. John is exactly the leader we need.

John's main opponents in Dave Prentice & Heather Wakefield were both pivotal to the disastrous Pensions & Pay Campaigns that have we have embroiled in over the last decade - we just cannot afford to lose out again.

The 4th candidate Roger Bannister is a seasoned campaigner who I respect, however, he has lost in the last three elections and we cannot afford another defeat. 

John is straight forward, caring, intelligent socialist who can lead Unison into a successful new era. We just have to give him the opportunity.

you know it makes sense!

Saturday, 12 September 2015

A historic moment - Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of the Labour Party.

A historic moment - Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of the Labour Party.

I am sitting here watching my Everton play Chelsea but for once I feel as though I'm walking on clouds even though there hasn't been a shot in anger..... yet!

Jeremy faced the might of the Labour grandees who raged against him, including 3 Labour Leaders, 2 Prime Ministers & the aptly named Mandelson's 'Young Reformers'. But despite their efforts and their purges Jeremy has won a massive victory - a victory for peace, for justice, for equality. A victory for immigrants, for the poor, for the oppressed.

This is the biggest political victory in the 55 years of my life, and yes, I know, it is just the beginning and there is hard work ahead but that's for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I still have the remnants of tears in my eyes, so I am off to ponder my role in the future whilst savouring a moment in time..... and Everton have just scored!


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

John Burgess for Unison General Secretary

I am very proud that my branch, Dorset, has nominated John Burgess for General Secretary of Unison.

John has led a campaign in Barnet against Tory privatisation that has beggared belief. It has been an exciting campaign, an imaginative campaign and a campaign littered with unexpected victories. Barnet is a template for councils everywhere fighting cuts & privatisation. 

Despite the commitment given by John this has not stopped him actively supporting other campaigns and he is also ready & willing to offer his experience, his support and his advice to anyone in struggle.

Personally, I find his commitment exhausting!

Unison has been on the 'back foot' for years fending off relentless cuts & privatisation and a pay freeze that goes on unabated despite the much vaunted "smash the freeze" campaign. It is the time to go on the offensive and John is the person to lead that offensive.

We are all also very much aware that over the past few months Jeremy Corbyn has changed the game in a way none of us were expecting. We are living in exciting times. There is an alternative to austerity and Unison can be pivotal in the fight to deliver that alternative.

John is a straight forward, a genuinely nice guy but a determined caring fighter.  He is the right person at the right time to lead us.

John Burgess is Unison's Jeremy Corbyn.

Nominate him, support him, vote for him.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Why I believe in Jeremy Corbyn

Why I believe in Jeremy Corbyn

I left the Labour Party in 2003 as a result of the illegal invasion & occupation of Iraq.

I never regretted my decision especially when you look at the lack of achievements of that Government and the startling fact that the financial gap between rich & poor actually increased during New Labour's period in office.

I believe my decision was further justified in the last election with Labour pandering to the racist lobby with their infamous immigration controls pledge whilst also bowing down to the altar stone of austerity.

However, my criticisms of the Labour Party in government and their current austerity policies are shared by Jeremy Corbyn who has stood alone amongst the leadership contenders voting against the latest Tory budget cuts.

Jeremy has campaigned consistently throughout his political life for socialist policies, domestically and internationally; was a principled rebel throughout the last Labour government and has been an active supporter of the majority of radical, left & green campaigns over the past few decades.

He is a prominent anti-austerity campaigner and the only anti-austerity candidate in the leadership contest.

I understand the criticism of those who believe that the Labour Party has betrayed the working class and is part of the problem not the solution, but, it is more important to support a prominent socialist selling 'our' message nationwide than retreating behind the barricades of purity. I feel that it would be churlish in the extreme not to support a man whose views are barely a cigarette paper away from my own.

Whilst the manifesto of Jeremy Corbyn has the opportunity of becoming the manifesto of the Labour Party I can quite happily state I support the aims and objectives of the Labour Party and will register as a Labour supporter.

There is a momentum that has been gathering pace and Jeremy is in with a genuine chance of winning so I would urge you to register or affiliate as Labour supporters before noon on 12th August which can be done by:
  • affiliating through your Trade Union if it is affiliated to the Labour Party (in Unison you must first ask your branch to register you into the Affiliated Political Fund - no cost) 
  • Registering as an Individual Supporter for just £3.  
Therefore for less than the price of a pint you will be able to vote for the Labour Party to be led by a socialist! 

Click on the below link & register as a Labour Supporter or Affiliate &.....



Monday, 8 June 2015


3 votes!!! ….. the result of the 2015 NEC Elections South West Male Seat

Mike Hines        -              2581 votes          -              50.02%

Berny Parkes    -              2578 votes          -              49.97%

Spoilt Papers    -              178

To use footie vernacular - In the last minute of game I've hit the underside of the bar, the ball's landed half way over the goal line before being stopped by a passing pigeon.  I'm gutted - measly votes!!!

However, I am very pleased to have achieved such a massive swing in my favour having lost by 677 votes in 2013 and I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to everyone who voted for me & those who helped & supported my campaign.  It's been absolutely brilliant.

Whilst congratulating Mike - I have to admit it's gut-wrenching to come oh so close but as my mum & dad used to say "a miss is as good as a mile"

The good news is that there have been significant gains from Reclaim The Union candidates (which I'll report on in a future post) so hopefully the Unison leadership will get the message that members are expecting our union use all its energy to fight austerity, defend jobs & protect services.

Anyway the campaign for 2017 starts here.....

Thanks Again,

Friday, 8 May 2015

A grey day.....

There are a lot of grey clouds overhead this morning which reflects the outcome of the General Election. As a public servant the thought of another five years of unfettered Tory cuts is scary.

However, whilst the Tories have won a decisive victory with regards to running the Government, there has not been the great Tory landslide being portrayed by the media. In fact, the Tories won approximately 36% of the popular vote - we really do have a corrupt electoral system.

As Trade Unionists we have a difficult five years ahead and we really do need organised, effective & united leadership as it is only through the trade unions that austerity can be effectively challenged.

Already the press are championing the New Labour claim that Labour's surge to the Left was the reason for its defeat - well I'm sorry I must have blinked and missed that surge! The result in Scotland & in the North have shown a Celtic appetite for a radical anti-austerity agenda and maybe a commitment to an anti-austerity agenda would have given Labour better outcomes.

It remains my belief a true surge to the Left would renew support for the Labour Party & give hope to the poor & oppressed.

Anyway, time to lick our wounds & come out fighting for our members, the poor & dispossessed who will desperately need our support and leadership over the next five years. For now I'm off to Scotland for a holiday!

Friday, 1 May 2015

May Day Greetings to all my friends, family & comrades
For victory against austerity on 7th May!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Happy Birthday Louise..... Justice for the 96

Whilst this is a blog relating to my quest to be elected to Unison's NEC I would just like to beg your indulgence to allow me to pay personal tributes to two moments in time to which I am forever emotionally linked.

To my beautiful niece Louise who would be 30 today. She died tragically at the tender age of 18 but continues to be remembered & loved by her family, friends & brave father, mother & siblings..... love to Billy, Philis, Phil & Bri xxx 
26 years ago a preventable tragedy struck Liverpool supporters and 96 of them never came home.  For almost 26 years Liverpool fans were blamed for the tragedy and a city was condemned.  We are close to justice but not their yet. Margaret Thatcher, the Police & the Sun are amongst the many guilty parties. Let justice be done - Justice for the 96 - Love to the families xxx

Monday, 13 April 2015

Have you voted yet?

I have voted - have you?

If you have lost or not received a ballot paper please phone 0800 0857 857 & one will be sent to you.

Join me in voting for:

  • A leadership that actively opposes cuts & protect jobs
  • A leadership that will campaign for fair pay
  • A leadership that will use the combined strength of all its Service Groups in campaigns & actions & not leave members isolated
  • A leadership that will effectively campaign and take action with other Public Sector Trade Unions & not capitulate to the government and employers
  • A leadership that will only support politicians fighting austerity
It's in our hands!

Friday, 10 April 2015

We wanna be elected!


We wanna be elected!

Vote & spread the word.....

The election for the NEC is underway & ballot papers are coming through your doors now!  If you haven't received a ballot paper by the 14/04/15 please call 0800 0857 957 to get it sorted!

Reclaim the Union candidates can be found on the pages of this blog or through the official blog of the Reclaim the Union campaign blogspot:   http://reclaimtheunion.blogspot.co.uk

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

This is the week of the 'share!'

Ballot papers go out today. Please help this week by spreading the word in the South West about my campaign. Share the blog, like & share the Facebook page, email your contacts, talk to your friends & colleagues. You really can help me win this NEC seat in the South West!

There are 70,000 Unison members in the South West.

They work in local government, health, schools, colleges, the police, community & voluntary sector and energy & public utilities.

They live across the South West in the counties of Dorset, Wiltshire, Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire & Somerset including all the major cities in between.

As you can see the electorate is vast so you really can help by sharing with your friends. Unison members can be found in the strangest of places!

Fair Pay

Fair Pay is central to the 'Reclaim the Union' campaign for a leadership that reflects the needs & wishes of the entire Unison membership.

The recent fair pay campaigns have resulted in defeat whilst current and future campaigns are also doomed to failure unless their is a change in attitude of those in the leadership of Unison.

Time & time again the membership are rallied into strike action to be followed by capitulation, often after a single day of strike action.

There is generally an acknowledgement that when it comes to fair pay there needs to be a coordinated campaign across all public service trade unions but it never transpires into sustained joint action.

In fact Unison cannot even coordinate its own Service Groups just look at Local Government, Health & the Police and Justice Service Groups - all recently campaigning for fair pay but all having to go it alone!

The goal of fair pay has to unite Unison Service Groups, unite Trade Unions & deliver a imaginative and long term strategy that will challenge our employers and politicians and make them realise they are in a fight they cannot win.

If we cannot deliver fair pay what is our relevance as negotiators?

This is our opportunity, right now, to elect a leadership that will deliver!

We need a campaign with bite!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Congrats to Suzy Franklin who has been elected to Unison NEC unopposed. Suzy is a socialist who works tirelessly in the NHS & campaigns tirelessly FOR the NHS and all public services. She is a leading anti-racist activist and deserves her  victory. I feel extremely privileged that Suzy has endorsed my campaign & it's now my aim to join her on the NEC so we can form a formidable South West team fighting for fair pay & against cuts across public services, public utilities & the voluntary sector.

Follow the campaign:
Blog - berny4nec.blogspot.co.uk
Facebook - Elect Berny Parkes as Unison NEC South West Male Seat
Twitter - @bernyNEC  (not personally managed)

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Can you help distribute my leaflet?
Help me get my message across to Unison members in your workplace. 
Contact me through my Blog or my Facebook page & I will arrange delivery.
Help reclaim the union!!!

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dorset Unison out in force on Anti Racism Day!

Last week, I was pleased to be asked to speak in Dorchester, Dorset at the march & rally to celebrate the United Nations Anti-Racism Day. There was an excellent turn out in an event which was being mirrored up & down the country and across the world.


As the General Election approaches it is important to celebrate the role of immigration in our country in order to counter the intolerant, inflammatory nonsense being espoused by the mainstream political parties.

Having watched a credible performance by Ed Miliband in the first of the General Election Leader Events on Channel 4 it was a downright shame to see Labour bowing down to the UKIP agenda with the Pledge & Mug calling for "immigration controls".

However, in criticising the Labour leadership team, I must acknowledge & welcome the speedy statement from the Labour Representation Committee condemning the production of the mug & the inclusion of that shameful pledge.

It is our role to ensure that we continue to get the message across that bankers & politicians are the causes of austerity and poverty in this country whilst immigration from around the world has only ever enhanced our society & it always will.

Friday, 27 March 2015

A great day for democracy in Unison! A great day for fair pay!!

This week's Local Government Special Conference was absolutely amazing & has put the power back in the hands of the members and sent a message to our employers and the next Government that we demand a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

A message was also sent to Unison's 'top table' that we don't want platitudes we want a campaign for fair pay that includes imagination and leadership.

The Special Conference was called by branches exasperated at the capitulation of the campaign in local government for a fair pay rise for 2014 /2015 which resulted in another equivalent pay cut for not only 2014 / 15 but a further pay cut in 2015 /16.    

The outcome of this Conference included criticism of the decision to suspend planned strike action; an agreement to reignite the Fair Pay campaign and submit a further pay claim for 2015 / 16 & a demand for the inclusion of lay members on Unison's negotiating team.

This Conference has put fair pay at the forefront of Unison's agenda and it will be interesting to see that if Labour are part of the next Government whether the millions of pounds invested by Unison's Labour Link in the Labour Party will be worth the paper those fat cheques have been written on?

Thursday, 19 March 2015

The Blog is Back!


I was born in Liverpool and moved to Dorset 19 years ago.  I’ve been in childcare social work for 25 years, before this I spent 10 years as a Policeman.  I’ve been married 18 years & we have 2 daughters.

I’ve been active in UNISON/NALGO since 1989 and have served my branch locally & nationally and have a vast experience representing members individually and collectively. I’ve been Chair of Dorset County Branch for 8 years and represent the branch on numerous committees with employers.

UNISON against the cuts
As providers of services within our communities we know the effects of cuts on our colleagues and the people we serve. The significant impact on women, who make up over 75% of our membership, and the low paid is clearly evident.

I believe UNISON has to be at the forefront of defending members against the vicious cuts being imposed by the ConDem government and our employers.

Austerity is not the only answer
We hope this year will see the end of this cruel government but we know that a new government may not end this nightmare as ALL major parties have promised more cuts.

Syriza’s victory in Greece demonstrates that trade unions, communities and radical politicians can provide the impetus to end cuts and provide the services and jobs needed – austerity is not the only answer!

We need to work with all fighting austerity and only support politicians committed to immediately stopping the cuts.

From the jaws of victory
Recent industrial action across UNISON demonstrated our frustration at the constant attacks on jobs, pay & conditions.

It was disappointing to see that the leadership of these actions lacked imagination and coordination with many members feeling let down by those elected to represent their best interests.

I believe UNISON should be developing a strategy across the Service Groups and with other Trade Unions that coordinates united action and campaigns that maximises our collective strength.

My pledge
If elected I will:
  • Work to develop an action plan that effectively fights all cuts;
  • Oppose all privatisations;
  • Coordinate campaigns between ALL Service Groups, Sister Unions, Community Groups & International friends;
  • Combat oppression in all its forms.

Reclaim the Union – another world is possible
At a time when we all pay the highest price for the follies and avarices of the rich I believe we must lead the fightback against austerity which is why I’m proud to join Suzy Franklin (South West Reserved Seat) and all Reclaim the Union candidates as the time for action has begun.

If elected I’ll ensure that YOU are kept updated of the actions and decisions of UNISON’s leadership and will take your views to its very heart.

For more information on my campaign or to contact me I can found on berny4nec.blogspot.co.uk or my Facebook page Elect Berny Parkes as Unison NEC South West Male Seat – thank you.